Friday, August 13, 2021

Is Your Book Manuscript Ready?

Former Michigan resident Scott Westerman is the CEO and founder of Ramirez & Clark in Florida. Possessing upwards of four decades of telecommunications experience, the Michigan native has published several books on behalf of the business and is a published author himself. Scott Westerman has written both fiction and nonfiction books in varying genres as an author.

Part of the writing process involves figuring out when a manuscript is ready for submission or publication. Here are a few things to check before sharing your manuscript with the world:

1. Chronological inconsistencies

Mixing up dates is easy and happens to many writers as they flip between flashbacks or work on a memoir. Before sending your manuscript off, check for these inconsistencies by plotting your events on a timeline. Match up these dates with the dates you have written to see how your book progresses clearly.

2. Standard formatting

As you write, you may not adhere to standard manuscript formatting rules. According to these rules, your manuscripts must be in 12-point font and have a one-inch margin on the sides. Double-space the entire document and use either Arial, Courier, or Times New Roman font styles. This formatting keeps manuscripts looking professional and organized, so the focus is placed more on your content.

3. Characters’ Personalities

When a character, regardless of whether they are a bad or good character, cares about something, your readers also care about that thing. However, you want these characteristics to be a key part of your character. If you have a bad character who is loyal, for instance, make loyalty part of their personality instead of bringing it up as a way of driving the plot forward.

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What Is Amateur Radio?

Longtime telecommunications leader Scott Westerman is a recipient of the 2012 Michigan Association of Broadcasters Award for Radio Programming. In addition to leading Ramirez & Clark, a Florida-based publishing company, Scott Westerman is the founder and curator of and, which pays tribute to a local radio station in Michigan.

Amateur radio brings people, communication, and electronics together. It is used to reach people in specific towns, across the world, and into space without any reliance on cell phones or the internet. Rather, it relies on using two-way personal communications equipment built and operated as a fixed ground station, temporary field station, space station, or mobile station.

Amateur radio stations can be set up virtually anywhere and are operated by people who have a basic knowledge of radio technology and radio operating principles. Despite being called “amateur,” such operators must still obtain a license from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to use its amateur radio frequencies. These frequencies are reserved solely for amateur radio operators, also known as hams since they were originally believed to have poor radio skills.

Biometrics as Part of a MFA Strategy

Scott Westerman is a Florida resident with a Michigan background spanning radio, telecom sales, and publishing. Tech-savvy, Scott Westerman ...