Thursday, November 4, 2021

Basic Ham Radio Terminology

A native of Michigan, Scott Westerman leads Ramirez and Clark, a Florida-based publishing company, as CEO. He also leads and, the latter of which celebrates WKNR, a local rock and roll radio station in Detroit, Michigan. Scott Westerman maintains a firm interest in radio and is passionate about amateur (or ham) radio. Here are several basic amateur radio terms:

Alternating Current (AC)
This term refers to the electrical current flowing in one direction within a wire, then in the other. The rate at which the direction of the electrical current changes depends on the AC frequency.

Beat-Frequency Oscillator (BFO)
Capable of producing an audio frequency (AF) tone for continuous wave (CW) reception, BFOs mix an oscillator with an incoming signal.

Beacon Station
Amateur station capable of transmitting communications for experimental activities or observation purposes.

Half Wave Dipole
Consisting of wire fed at the center of an antenna, half wave dipoles are half the wavelength of the desired operating frequency. Radio amateurs use these types of antennas.

A reliable form of communication, a packet is a digital teletype. Reading it requires the use of a radio transceiver, computer, and interface box.

Rubber Duck
Flexible rubber antennas. Handheld transceivers often come with rubber ducks.

Upper Sideband (USB)
Sidebands consist of frequencies higher than the carrier frequency. Transceivers are tuned to carrier frequencies.

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Scott Westerman is a Florida resident with a Michigan background spanning radio, telecom sales, and publishing. Tech-savvy, Scott Westerman ...